Conservatives Let’s Make Our Voices Heard

The Heise Way

The last eight years have proven that Kurt Heise’s not an effective advocate for the residents, and he has made campaign donations a larger priority than the people of Plymouth. As a result, Plymouth Township is changing for the worse. Casinos, sewage plants, higher taxes? That’s the Heise way

  • $10 Million Lawsuit on the Heise Downs Horse Track
  • 1% Collection Tax to Collect Our Taxes
  • His Opposition to Salem Springs will Lead to a Waste Water Treatment Plant
  • Orchestrated the Meijer Lawsuit to Bypass the Planning Commission and Resident’s Concerns
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Since 2018 1% Tax On Tax Has Cost Taxpayers


Since 2018 Property Taxes Increased


Heise's Leadership has lead to millions of dollars in lawsuits that the taxpayers will have to pay


Since 2010 Elected Official's Salaries Increased

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1% Tax on Tax

In 2018, with our economy booming and property values finally increasing after the 2008-09 recession, Kurt Heise and his “Turn Around Team” imposed a 1% administrative fee on tax collections.

Largest Tax Increase in Plymouth Township History

Shortly after taking office, Kurt Heise pushed for and passed the largest tax increase in the history of Plymouth Township.

Heise’s Failed Leadership Cost Taxpayers Millions

Since taking office, Kurt Heise has gotten the township into several lawsuits. Some of which he coordinated (Meijers), and others were caused by his mismanagement. As a result, taxpayers could be on the hook for over $10 million

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These are your conservative candidates


Township Treasurer

Janai Stepp
  • Janai Steep is a small business owner who graduated from Plymouth Canton High School. Janai has Bachelor Degree in Internation Business and Finance and earned her MBA from Wayne State University. Janai purchased her first home in Plymouth Township in 1997.

Township Supervisor

Chuck Curmi
  • Chuck Curmi is a life long resident of Plymouth Township for 69 years, and has served as a Trustee for over 30 years. Chuck has his Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan Technological University, and his MBA from the University of Detroit Mercy.

Township Clerk

Andrew Miller
  • Andrew Miller has lived in Plymouth Township for over 30 years, and has worked as a mechanical engineer for over 30 years. Andrew earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Toledo
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The last eight years have proven that Kurt Heise’s not an effective advocate for the residents, and he has made campaign donations a larger priority than the people of Plymouth. As a result, Plymouth Township is changing for the worse. Casinos, sewage plants, higher taxes? That’s the Heise way The Please join our efforts to help elect conservative candidates who believe in the Republican Party Platform, are fiscally responsible, and will put the people of Plymouth Township first. On a local level, we must elect candidates who will repeal the tax on tax and not try to raise taxes repeatedly.

Join Today!